SIMPACT - Multistakeholder Advisory Committee
SIMPACT will avail itself of the support and external expertise of a Multistakeholder Advisory Committee (MAC) composed of 6-8 representatives
from policy and other social innovation stakeholders as well as representatives from research and statistics offices, whose main contribution
to the project will be:
- To monitor the progress of the work plan implementation, assess the scientific
as well as practical value of the project achievements and their innovative contents with respect to the international state of the art,
and suggest - as appropriate - re-orientations of specific tasks and methodologies.
- To contribute to the establishment of a network of specialists with the twofold
objective of (1) ensuring that the scientific debate and practical implications on the economic underpinnings of social innovation and
their policy implications extends as widely as possible across the international scientific community,and (2) ensuring that the advancements
achieved by SIMPACT are widely and promptly disseminated for valorisation.