SIMPACT - Work Packages

WP1 - Framing the Scene
The overall goal of WP1 is to provide a theoretical framework to address social innovation within both market and non-market contexts considering the systemic dimension of social innovation and varying actor constellations.

The WP's objective is twofold: On the one hand it strives to strengthen the understanding of the economic factors and concepts which make social innovations successful (including their self-sufficiency).Therewith, it aims at achieving substantial theoretical advancements towards a multidisciplinary perspective on the economic dimensions of social innovation. On the other hand it will provide a joint framework constituted by a shared vision and a common understanding of the project's main lines of theoretical and conceptual argumentation.
Go to Theorising

WP2 - Social Innovation Behaviour Scenarios
The overall objective is to test and verify the findings, concepts, models and instruments developed throughout the project by simulating different scenarios of how social innovation works in an economic «efficient» way. To this end we apply agent-based modelling and - with the aim going beyond theoretical models - complementary small-scale stakeholder experiments will be carried out. Both methods will lead to the deduction of future social innovation scenarios (understood as in terms of the probability of social innovation given certain sets of interactions between individuals in and with their environment) to support social innovation stakeholders in coping with uncertainties associated with social innovation.
Go to SI Behaviour Scenarios

WP3 - Social Innovation as an Economic Solution
WP3 aims at providing evidence-based knowledge on economic factors identified in WP1 including social innovation processes, components and their interplay based on qualitative research taking stock of existing social innovation case study databases as well as fieldwork to advance the understanding of the economic dimension of social innovation.
Go to Collecting Evidence

WP4 - Development of stronger Social Innovation Concepts
Focusing on the economic relevant aspect of scaling and diffusion, WP4 functions as a catalyst for improving social innovation concepts by identifying tools and measures strengthening their social and/or economic impact. Addressing the strategic level, developing stronger social innovation concepts strives to facilitate and resource
new forms of entrepreneurship based on alternative business models of financing, distribution and employment.
This includes the provision of good examples and applicable approaches for social innovation.
Go to Concepts

WP5 - Measuring the Economics of Social Innovation
The overall objective is to improve the measurement of the economic aspects of social innovation. In order to >come to more accurate measurements of what is going on, who is doing what and why and to what effect, it is important to start the improvement of the measurement at the micro- and meso level based on an improved understanding of the economic principles, objectives and components of SI. As it is difficult to entirely translate all the detailed insights from case studies and biographies into indicators and metrics, it is necessary to reduce the level of detail, while assuring their essence is captured with metrics on the most important economic factors. By focussing on the economic aspects and the micro level of social innovations this WP will complement TEPSIE's macro level «Blueprint of Social Innovation Metrics.
Go to SI Indicator Sets

WP6 - Public Policy Instruments
SIMPACT will analyse and develop both the approaches to policy production and the specific tools for targeted policy programs and instruments that are likely to be effective in supporting social innovation. This will be grounded in a clear understanding of the differences between technological innovation and social innovation and an awareness of the specific lifecycle of social innovations. Subsequently a reliable set of indicators will be developed to make the social and economic impact of social innovations visible.
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WP7 - Impact Analysis: Economic Evaluation of Social Innovation
The overall goal is to support policy makers to better assess the economic and social impact of social innovation initiatives, programmes and policies, before implementation of the policy (ex ante impact analysis). The work package develops a methodology that is specifically suitable in this context: it is faster than existing methods for impact analysis and it requires less data, qualitative and quantitative, on the policy and the variables it is supposed to affect.
Go to Impact Analysis

WP8 - Strategic Communication & Dissemination
WP8 is dedicated to raising awareness plus strategically communicating, connecting, exchanging, co-creating, disseminating and valorising knowledge on the economic underpinnings of social innovation. As essential component of the project it will ensure real time and effective dissemination of SIMPACT's research results and make them accessible to all key stakeholders across Europe and beyond. Accounting for continuous stakeholder dialogue as sixth building block of the concept, the successful integration of experts, their views, knowledge and expertise has to be ensured throughout the lifetime of the project. For valorisation purposes, this WP targets to make the knowledge, concepts and tools developed globally available for the target audience also beyond the lifespan of the project.
Go to Stakeholder Dialogue

Overall Strategy

The project revolves around seven distinct scientific work packages (WP1-WP7) aimed at underpinning the building blocks of our integrated learning cycle combining a theoretical foundation, data collection, analysis and modelling, building the base for the development of tools, methods and instruments for social innovation stakeholders. These activities are complemented by the two horizontal work packages «Strategic Communication & Dissemination» (WP8) and «Project Management» (WP9). The work packages are closely integrated and connected to drive the SIMPACT consortium towards the establishment of valuable collaborative research.

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